
Low sugar, high flavour with cinnamon in your healthy on-the-go offerings

Consumers have busy lives and are inclined to choose practical on-the-go food. They want these snacks to be healthy, made with all natural ingredients, and with as little sugar as possible. As such the healthy bar market is on the rise. With Royal Polak spices authentic taste solutions, you’ll develop a remarkable bar for your brand in no time.

The power of cinnamon

Cinnamon and cinnamon blends provide a great taste for products with high protein and fibre content. Its warm, aromatic flavour and little kick provides a traditional and familiar food experience.
Some of the benefits to using cinnamon in a protein or cereal bar include:

●    Cinnamon taste in bars

Four of every five bars that you see in supermarkets taste like fruit or chocolate. A bar containing the Royal Polak Spices cinnamon and cinnamon blends offers consumers something new - a new flavour experience.

●    A bar with cinnamon enables low sugar formulations

Sugar is a prime example of an ingredient that people want to avoid as much as possible. By adding flavourful cinnamon and spices, the amount of sugar can be reduced without making the bar less tasty. Plus, cinnamon adds an appealing colour to bars.

●    Cinnamon is a natural ingredient

The cinnamon and cinnamon blends from Royal Polak are all natural. Our product portfolio also includes organic, fair trade and Rainforest Alliance certified products.

Want to learn more about our healthy and innovative cinnamon bars?

Cinnamon, Chai-latte, Chai Masala, Honey cake, summer blend or real Bourbon Vanilla - we are happy to provide additional information and samples of our spices. And you are more than welcome at our Cinnamon Lab, where we will work with you to develop a custom cinnamon solution for your product.


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